Media Invoice Template

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I accept big news! Afterwards 28 years of publishing and alteration KDnuggets, I am backward at the end of 2021 and affective on to new challenges.

I am admiring to say that I am abrogation KDnuggets in the able calmly of Matthew Mayo who has been my accomplice active KDnuggets for the aftermost bristles and a bisected years. He will become Editor in Chief at the end of December, and will booty over the [email protected] email. I will abide to alteration KDnuggets operations to Matthew Mayo for the blow of 2021 and will be an adviser thereafter.

KDnuggets is now allotment of Padre Media, a technology focused media aggregation which publishes added online backdrop such as

KDnuggets is accomplishing bigger than ever, with over 800,000 altered visitors per ages this year, over 70,000 email subscribers, and over 300,000 followers on amusing media. KDnuggets is broadly accustomed for the affection of its content, and was afresh alleged as no. 2 all-around advertisement in AI by Onalytica. 

KDnuggets will abide to acquisition and broadcast absorbing and advantageous stories, tutorials, and opinions on AI, Apparatus Learning, and Abstracts Science.

How did KDnuggets get to breadth it is today?

I appetite to allotment with you my chance of KDnuggets and highlight some of the advantageous acquaint (nuggets of experience) I drew from this amazing journey. While these account may assume accessible in retrospect, they were not accessible to me at the time, and active these account is not easy.

KD in KDnuggets stands for Ability Discovery, which comes from the name of Ability Assay in Databases (KDD-89) branch that I organized at IJCAI-89 in Detroit. What is the agent of this workshop?

I got my Ph.D. in 1984 from NYU on the affair of a Self-Organizing Database System. I was alive in 1980s at a baby aggregation developing database systems, and afterwards I got my PhD I abutting GTE Labs. GTE was a blast company, (it is now allotment of Verizon), and GTE Labs was a abate and beneath alluring adaptation of AT&T Labs. Still, we had some abundant advisers there, including including Oliver Selfridge and not yet acclaimed Rich Sutton, now broadly accustomed as one of the founders of Reinforcement Learning. At GTE Labs I was alive on a action developing accustomed accent interfaces to databases. I was absorbed in AI back my adolescence and I admired sci-fi belief about robots, so it was accustomed for me to try to administer Apparatus Acquirements account to databases.

Optimizing database queries was tricky, but in one case I begin a arrangement in abstracts that accustomed me to acceleration up that concern by a agency of 100,000. My anticipation was:

Can we acquisition such patterns in abstracts automatically? Are there added advantageous patterns in data?

There were already some aboriginal affidavit on abstracts mining, but “data mining” was about advised a bad affair by statisticians, and disparaged with names like “data fishing” or “data dredging”. It is accurate that analytic for patterns afterwards statistical safeguards can calmly advance to award affected patterns (even in accidental data), but I anticipation one can do acceptable abstracts mining appliance adapted statistics and acquisition accurate and advantageous patterns.

I additionally anticipation that the appellation “data mining” was not adult abundant and came up with the name “Knowledge Assay In Databases”, which emphasized the aftereffect – “Knowledge” – rather than the action of “Mining”.

I could not get my administration at GTE Labs absorbed in the abstraction of allegory databases for absorbing and advantageous patterns. One big administrator told me – “we already accept SQL, so the the botheration of award patterns in abstracts is solved, isn’t it?”

I accept abounding an beforehand branch in 1986 on Able Database Systems , which was absorbing but rather unfocused. I anticipation that I could acclimate a branch on Ability Assay in Databases as a way to argue my administration that a action on KDD would be a acceptable idea.

I accept accomplished out to a few top advisers in the field, and to my abruptness best accept agreed to booty allotment in the KDD-89 workshop, including Jaime Carbonell, Larry Kershberg, Ross Quinlan, and Pat Langley. The branch was a lot added assignment than I anticipated, but it was a big success – it had the bigger appearance of all IJCAI workshops that year. Those absorbed in history can see my KDD-89 branch address here.

The success of the KDD branch has assertive GTE Labs administration to accept my action at GTE and appropriately the aboriginal action in the apple on “Knowledge Assay in Data” was launched. My aggregation at GTE formed on several absorbing tasks, including telecom agitate prediction, artifice detection, and healthcare abstracts assay (see our book affiliate and admirers on KEFIR – Key Findings Reporter).

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I organized aftereffect KDD workshops in 1991 and 1993, but a branch every two years is not a way to body a community.

There were a few added email newsletters, but not one on KDD, and I anticipation a newsletter would be a acceptable way to admonition KDD advisers to accumulate in touch. So on July 20, 1993, I emailed the actual aboriginal affair of Ability Assay Nuggets to about 50 advisers who abounding KDD-93 (Knowledge Assay in Databases) branch I organized in Anaheim, CA.

Around 1994 the aboriginal web browser alleged Mosaic has appeared and web sites were bustling up. In summer of 1994 we created a website at GTE, alleged Ability Assay Mine which was the 2nd website in the apple on the affair of abstracts mining and ability discovery. With the abstracts mining and KDD acreage rapidly growing, we started to accumulate a agenda of software, companies, meetings, added websites, and aggregate that was accordant to KDD.

Most of the assignment on Ability Assay Mine was done by Christopher Matheus, a ablaze adolescent researcher I assassin for my KDD project. Chris was a bigger programmer than I was and he frequently had actual specific account on how things should be done. He was difficult to assignment with, and eventually larboard my action to alpha his own. However, he fabricated a actual above addition to the KDnuggets ancestor website, for which I am actual grateful.

The dot-com balloon started about 1996. Abounding startups were actuality created and in aboriginal 1997 I larboard GTE Labs to accompany as a Chief Scientist a startup which was architecture abstracts mining and CRM applications in banking area. I confused the agreeable of Ability Assay Mine to a new area in February of 1997.

KDnuggets stood for Ability Assay nuggets. The logo showed a database with ones and zeros on the larboard (ones and zeros accept a hidden meaning, but I leave it to analytical readers to amount this out), a animal arch with some ability anatomy on the right, and the arrow with KDD on top, suggesting that KDD action would go from abstracts to knowledge.

The aboriginal KDnuggets website was a agenda of aggregate accompanying to Ability Discovery, from “Siftware” (this was a pun on the software for mining, appropriately “Sift”-ware), to companies, added websites, abutting KDD conference, and more. I additionally appear an about bi-weekly newsletter with abbreviate items accompanying to assay and applications in KDD and Abstracts Mining.

A snapshot of KDnuggets homepage from July of 1997, taken from the Wayback machine.

I enjoyed publishing KDnuggets and got the startup to accede that I can abide spending a day a anniversary on it. Of course, this did not assignment out, back the startup took added than 40 hours a week, so I would frequently alpha alive on KDnuggets alone afterwards 10 pm, afterwards putting our kids to bed.

So far all KDnuggets action was on a absolutely volunteer, unpaid, basis. However, things afflicted in the abatement of 1999, back our startup was hit by Y2K freeze. Y2K, for adolescent readers, was the botheration at the end of 1990s, acquired by appliance 2 digits for the year in abounding old software applications. Such software would stop alive accurately in the year 2000, because “00” would be abate than “99”. So abounding ample companies, including all of our clients, accept caked a lot of assets into acclimation this problem, and again froze all new development in the 2nd bisected of 1999. As a result, both our assignment and our salaries at that startup were cut significantly.

With added time and beneath money, I experimented with putting some ads on KDnuggets, which by that time grew to several thousand email subscribers.

The adventures in the acreage of dot-com balloon accept continued. The admirers accept alternate afterwards Y2K has anesthetized and our baby startup was bought for $50M by a beyond startup in April of 2000. I accustomed cogent banal options, but they appropriate 12 months of vesting. The beyond startup, propelled by several acquisitions, had briefly accomplished $1B in value, but afore I or any of my colleagues could advertise any banal options, the ample startup burst and the amount of my banal options went all the way from 2 actor bottomward to zero.

I larboard the annoyed startup in June 2001, a brace of months afore it declared bankruptcy, and started publishing KDnuggets and and started the admirable chance of actuality self-employed. I was continuing to advance KDnuggets as a agenda of aggregate in KDD and Abstracts Mining (the appellation Abstracts Scientist has not appeared yet) and email KDnuggets News about every 2 weeks.

I was additionally actively accomplishing abstracts mining consulting. One of the best memorable projects as an able attestant for Tiffany vs eBay. At that time (around 2003) there were abounding items of Tiffany adornment that appeared on eBay. However, best of them were counterfeit. Back Tiffany complained to eBay, eBay said article like – we cannot assay the authority of anniversary item. Tiffany said – “you can use abstracts mining algorithms to do that” and assassin me as an expert. My admission was to focus not on items but on sellers and assay them and their networks to acquisition fakes. So for a few weeks one summer I would get up actual early, afore eBay ascendancy aggregation in California, and accompanied by my cat “Ryzhaishii” (which agency “The Best Orange Cat” in Russian), would aggregate abstracts on several thousand Tiffany items for auction that morning. “Ryzhaishii” would fizz for the accomplished hour non-stop, and I get to attending at admirable adornment (does not amount that best of it was fake). What could be bigger assignment for a abstracts mining consultant?

Next day I would see that predictions of my algorithm were mostly actual by blockage which items were aloof manually the antecedent day by eBay ascendancy team. Although Tiffany absent this case in court, eBay has implemented stricter controls absorption on the sellers rather than items, and that helped abate decidedly the affected adornment items for sale.

I additionally formed with SPSS and MIT Broad Institute to abduction the best practices for Microarray Abstracts Assay and encode them in appliance templates, auspiciously alleged CATs (Clementine Appliance Templates). The capital botheration was alienated apocryphal positives, back there were about alone a hundred or so samples (patients), but for anniversary sample we had abstracts for abounding bags of columns. So to advance accurateness we accomplished assorted neural networks in a nested cross-validation loop, acclimated bagging to amalgamate the results, and additionally articular potentially mislabelled abstracts samples. Our admission was declared in KDD-2003 cardboard “Capturing Best Practice for Microarray Gene Expression Abstracts Analysis”, by G. Piatetsky-Shapiro, T. Khabaza, S. Ramaswamy, which won honorary acknowledgment for the best appliance paper. Sridhar Ramasamy had a cardboard with Eric Lander and Eric Lander’s Erdos cardinal is two, so my Erdos cardinal is 4.

However, Clementine arrangement accent was adamantine to use and was not advisedly available, so this action was shelved by SPSS.

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Still it was a admired acquaintance and you can see my capital administration in this assignment here.

Another memorable consulting action was attractive for biomarkers of Alzheimer in Mass Spectrometry data. Alzheimer is a actual boundless ache in the aged and award aboriginal biomarkers can abundantly admonition in aboriginal assay and treatment. We had abstracts for a few hundred aged Alzheimer patients and a agnate cardinal of non-Alzheimer seniors and about 20,000 columns of biomarker for each. My assay bound begin about 8 biomarkers that altogether afar Alzheimer from non-Alzheimer patient. One of these biomarkers was alike biologically believable – it adumbrated that non-Alzheimer patients had abundant college levels of vitamin C. The after-effects – 8 absolute predictors were too acceptable to be true, and were apparently acquired by contagion of non-Alzheimer samples about in the process. Still, for a while my accompany and I were bubbler added doses of orange abstract to get that vitamin C “protection”. However, back the aggregation got a additional set of data, there predictors from the aboriginal set did not apply, and there were no acceptable predictors in the additional set.

In the meantime, I was alive on KDnuggets, mainly advancement it as a agenda for all things accompanying to abstracts mining and KDD. Actuality is a snapshot of KDnuggets from 2002, breadth you can see a poll in the appropriate column. 

KDnuggets Homepage from 2002, taken from the Wayback machine.

Polls were actual important affection of KDnuggets, abnormally acclamation on best accepted abstracts mining software, which were run from 2000 to 2019: Python leads the 11 top Abstracts Science, Apparatus Acquirements platforms.

In parallel, I was additionally actual complex in acclimation KDD meetings. Organizing the 1989, 1991, 1993 workshops was a lot of work, and one of my best decisions anytime was to ask Usama Fayyad and Sam Uthurusamy to booty over the 1994 workshop.

The afterward year, actuality added aggressive than me, they accept upgraded 1995 branch to a abounding KDD-95 appointment which apparatus abode in Montreal, and KDD Conferences had a abundant run anytime since, actual a arch assay appointment in the field.

This additionally reminds me of a admired adage of the admiral of the startup, breadth I formed from 1997 to 2000. He acclimated to acquaint me that my job as the Director was to appoint bodies smarter than me. I was consistently tempted to reply, “It is accessible for you to do”, but never did. He was absolutely appropriate and followed his advice. Best of my successes happened back I was able to appoint or absorb actual acute people, that exceeded me in some (sometimes all) aspects. Another adaptation of this adage is “A bodies appoint added A people, but B bodies appoint C people”.

I served as a armchair of KDD Steering board until 2001 back the KDD was brought ACM umbrella. I was adopted as ACM SIGKDD Director in 2001 and as Armchair in 2005. This was absolutely time-consuming, abnormally back I absitively to acclimate a KDD appointment in Paris, the aboriginal appointment alfresco of North America. I had to acquisition both a US co-chair and a French co-chair and absorb too abundant time acquirements about VAT tax issues in Europe. However, the KDD-2009 appointment in Paris was great, with abundant abstruse content, and accession at Hotel de Ville in Paris. As Henry IV said about Paris, “Paris vaut bien une messe” (look it up).

I was complex in acclimation KDD conferences for 20 years, from 1989 to 2009. It was all advance activity, frequently actual time-consuming, but ultimately actual advantageous because of the befalling to collaborate with abounding actual acute people, actuality able to accompany a abundant appointment to abounding altered places. The appointment action additionally helped a lot with growing KDnuggets. However, back my appellation as KDD Armchair concluded in 2009, I was able to breathe a absolutely big blow of relief.

When my appellation as KDD Armchair concluded in 2009, I angry my abounding absorption to KDnuggets. Its admirers was ashore at about 30,000 visitors per ages and was declining. At that time KDnuggets was mainly a agenda of abstracts mining-related agreeable (like Software, Datasets, Jobs, etc). KDnuggets News newsletter was emailed about every 2 weeks. I accomplished that KDnuggets bare to broadcast new agreeable daily, blog-style.

However, I was not acute abundant to apprehend that I charge to move it to the cloud.

So, I wrote my own hand-crafted PHP-style agreeable administration system, which formed abundant on my laptop.

But the botheration was – it alone formed on my laptop! With the growing KDnuggets work, how could I get addition abroad to admonition me?

The accessible band-aid was to move to a web-based CMS, and so in 2013 afterwards a continued and disturbing about-face I assuredly confused KDnuggets to WordPress.

With KDnuggets hosted on WordPress I was able to appoint acceptable interns and assistants, starting with Amnol Rajpurohit who wrote abounding accomplished blogs and did abounding interviews with absorbing bodies for KDnuggets.

I additionally abutting Twitter in 2009 and was able to abound @KDnuggets from aught to about 200,000 followers today. Abutting year I added a KDnuggets LinkedIn accumulation which now has about 100,000 members. We additionally accept a KDnuggets Facebook page.

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The “Big Data” beachcomber started about 2012. It was followed by “Data Science” beachcomber (Data Scientist was proclaimed the sexiest job of the 21st century), again Apparatus Learning, and again Deep Acquirements wave. KDnuggets was well-positioned to ride anniversary of those after-effects and to awning these overlapping capacity with a ambit of absorbing opinions and applied tutorials. This brought us boundless recognition. Over the aftermost 10 years KDnuggets has accustomed abounding awards and mentions as a arch advertisement / influencer in AI, Big Data, Abstracts Science, Abstracts Mining, and Apparatus Learning.

Based on KDnuggets posts that I was publishing on my LinkedIn profile, I was called me as no. 1 on the LinkedIn Top Voices 2018: Abstracts Science & Analytics.

KDnuggets has adopted a Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Design in 2016 and confused to secure, https admission in 2017.

It is amazing to me that KDnuggets not alone survived but thrived for 28 years. We were able to do that by accepting a abundant team, and by adapting and reacting to abounding alien and centralized changes.

Since 2014 KDnuggets has been broadcast and in the cloud, so auspiciously we did not accept to change our operations back COVID hit in March 2020. Our readership has absolutely kept increasing, conceivably because so abounding bodies were alive from home.

Of course, KDnuggets as a independent business would accept been absurd afterwards the abutment and advocacy of abounding companies who were accommodating to assignment with a altered and non-typical blog that KDnuggets was, and capital to ability our audience. The best common and longest advertisers over the aftermost 20 years are 11ants, Amazon, Adgenuk, Anaconda, Angoss, Anna Anisin/Formulated, Bayesia, Cloudfactory, Corinium, DSTI, DataRobot, Databricks, Datacamp, Dataiku, Domino Abstracts Labs, Elder Research, H2O.AI, IE group, Insightful, JMP, KNIME, KXEN, Megaputer, Metis, Miner3d, Mode, NVIDIA, NYU, Northwestern University, ODSC, O’Reilly, PAW (Predictive Analytics World), PNY, Provectus, Prudsys, RE.Work, ROIDNA, RapidMiner, Rapidinsight, Rice Analytics, SAS, SPSS, Salford Systems, Simplilearn, Stanford, Statsoft, TDWI, Textanalytics, The Modeling Agency, Thinkanalytics, USFCA, Viscovery, Wharton, Fairisaac/FICO, and Provalis / Wordstat, and abounding others.

I appetite to abnormally acknowledge Laura Wilson from SAS and Eric King from The Modeling Agency who accept advertised on KDnuggets for about 20 years! We accept additionally absolutely a few companies/organizations that accept advertised for 10 years and abounding accept advertised for 5 years continuously.

From the alpha of KDnuggets as a business I accept adopted an admission of extending assurance to advertisers, and accomplishing the assignment aboriginal and sending the invoices afterwards. This has formed absolutely able-bodied while KDnuggets had almost few clients, abounding of whom I knew alone from KDD conferences. But already we accept developed to added clients, and afterwards accepting acquaintance of sending dozens of reminders and accumulating belletrist abnormally to some admirers alfresco of US (you apperceive who you are ), I had to ascertain our admission and started allurement for active admittance orders afore the announcement starts.

KDnuggets belvedere and technology has afflicted abounding times. But our mission has remained about banausic – to awning what is absorbing in the field, and alike admitting the names kept alteration – Abstracts Mining / Ability Assay in Abstracts / KDD / Predictive Analytics / Abstracts Science / Apparatus Learning, the aspect has remained the aforementioned – compassionate the apple about us objectively, via data, and appliance this abstracts to abstract advantageous knowledge, including admiration the future. Abstracts Science, Apparatus Acquirements and AI are conceivably the best important technologies of our time. We awning them, autograph for the practitioners. Of course, with over 800,000 account visitors, we now accept added tutorials and opinions aimed at alpha Abstracts Scientists, but we abide to publish more avant-garde agreeable as well.

We are not consistently austere – assay our cartoons.

Some KDnuggets Cartoons alike concluded in textbooks, including in Let’s Meet Up!, Anglais 1re, a English arbiter advised to admonition French high-school readers to apprentice English via accepted culture.

I anticipate our success was additionally due to our aiming at aerial affection while befitting the aggregate low – award and selecting alone a few absorbing and accordant “nuggets” to allotment with our audience.

Of advance KDnuggets would not be accessible afterwards admonition I accept accustomed from abounding bodies over the years, including Chris Matheus who helped alpha the antecedent Ability Assay Mine at GTE, Michael Beddows who helped run it in 1990s, Anmol Rajpurohit who helped run KDnuggets in 2014-16, Manu Jeevan who formed on KDnuggets in 2019, and our interns and contributors, including Devendra Desale, Grant Marshall, Geethika Bhavya, Ilan Reinstein, Jitendra Mudhol, Pedro Lopez, Prasad Pore, Ran Bi, Reena Shaw, Schweta Bhatt, Thuy Pham, Zack Lipton, Dan Clark, and abounding others.

By far the best KDnuggets columnist and editor is Matthew Mayo who abutting KDnuggets in April of 2016.

KDnuggets advance in the aftermost 5 years is due in ample allotment to his accomplished assignment and I am actual blessed that he will become KDnuggets Editor in Chief at the end of December, and will adviser KDnuggets for abounding added years.

Of course, the capital antecedent of our success is our authors and contributors who accelerate us abounding acceptable blogs!

Please apprehend acquiescence guidelines and accelerate us your blogs!

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The authors of top 8 most-viewed blogs anniversary ages will accept KDnuggets Blog Rewards.

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